The Lacanian Review nr 12 AMERICAN LACAN
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The Lacanian Review
Ten i poprzednie numery będą dostępne w sprzedaży podczas wydarzeń Koła Warszawskiego Psychoanalizy NLS
The Lacanian Review No12 explores American encounters with psychoanalysis. Following the 40th anniversary of Jacques Lacan’s death, this volume collects histories of Lacan in the United States: how Lacan arrived, who listened, and what developed from transferences that moved through languages and across continents. Speaking about psychoanalysis in America, Lacan said, “. . .in truth everything can make itself heard in America.” In analysis, hystories unfold in the gaps between what is said, what is heard, and the very act of speaking. TLR No12 offers some vantages of the living history of the Lacanian orientation in North America.
Marie-Hélène Brousse, Lacan, the English Language and the USA…
Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff, Return Ticket
New World
Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, American Lacan
Jacques Lacan, Of Structure as the Inmixing of an Otherness Prerequisite to Any Subject Whatever
Jacques Lacan, Yale University: Kanzer Seminar
Jacques Lacan, Yale University: Interview with Students
Jacques Lacan, Yale University: Lecture on the Body
Jacques Lacan, Columbia University: Lecture on the Symptom
Jacques Lacan, MIT: Lecture on Topology
Jacques-Alain Miller, North America
Jacques-Alain Miller, Lacan Clinicien
Jacques-Alain Miller, Lacan Clinician
Lacan, At the Moment
Angelina Harari, “Can They Possibly Be My Students?”
Alicia Arenas, The Unconscious, Where Did It Go?
Janet Rachel, English Exodus: Leaving England With Lacan
Thomas Svolos, Meeting the Subjectivity of Our Time
Maria Cristina Aguirre, When the Dust, the Sparks, the Smoke . . .
Isolda Alvarez, A Lacanian Glitch
Robert Buck, Constellation
Alexandre Stevens, With Lacan
Jorge Assef, Pushing the Impossible
Christiane Alberti, Lacan Redivivus: Preface
U.S. Hystories
Josefina Ayerza & Gérard Wajcman, Is Contemporary Art Lacanian?
Ellie Ragland, (Re)-turning to Lacan
Robert Buck, Enjoy!