Seminaria NLS Kuriery / Archiwum


En contrôle / In supervision
13:30 – 18:00 (Paris time)




Kwestia Szkoły stanowi główne spotkanie New Lacanian School, w zakresie, w jakim precyzyjnie porusza tematy specyficzne dla doświadczenia Szkoły i formacji analityka.




Spotkamy się za pośrednictwem wideokonferencji

w sobotę, 18 stycznia 2025 r.

od 13:30 do 18:00 (czasu paryskiego).




–  Świadectwo Pass Neus Carbonell, Analityka Szkoły Jednej: nie ma analityka, poza tym, który jest tworzony przez psychoanalizę.

–  podzielony na trzy sekwencje, temat:

„W superwizji”
* Superwizja: nie tylko dla młodych
* Superwizja po Passe
* Młodzi w Superwizji

In Supervision

While the School guarantees a link between the analyst and the formation it provides, there is no format to this formation in force. With Lacan, the traditionally compulsory supervision was replaced by a desired supervision. And yet, torn from the standards promoted by a certain tradition, supervision does not raise fewer ethical concerns. It is a must, as Lacan put it, in the interest of protecting the patient from the harmful effects of a blind practice. While Lacan was de-standardising the practice of supervision, he simultaneously established it as essential. Since his Founding Act Lacan articulated work and supervision: “Those who enter the School will commit themselves to fulfilling a task subject to both internal and external supervision [contrôle]” [1].It can be said that the more supervision was deregulated, the more widespread it became: supervision of work, of practice and then of analysis. As J.-A. Miller notes, the pass is “the most demanding method of supervision that psychoanalysis has invented” [2]. 

For the Question of the School we have chosen to take a look at the practice of supervision by giving a voice to the supervisees. We are interested in the practice, for which Lacan preferred the term super-audition to super-vision. Whether it is experienced by confirmed analysts or by young trainees, supervision allows the analyst to remain in the position of analysand and thus of a worker. In this sense, supervision guarantees a space where the work transference that is fitting for a School of Psychoanalysis, can be experienced. It enables the long-standing analyst to remain alert in his or her practice, while offering the younger analyst the opportunity to find his or her bearings. It’s up to the rhinoceros to open an eye now and then! And also, what can the usages of supervision after the pass teach us? Let’s not let the cat out of the bag too soon! To know more about it it is better to participate in the Question of the School.

For the Executive Committee, Patricia Bosquin-Caroz, President

[1] Lacan J., “Founding Act”, in Television, New York: Norton, 1990, p. 97. 

[2] Miller J.-A., “Qui sont vos psychanalystes?”, Paris, ed. Seuil, Champ Freudien collection, 2002, p. 11